Transportation Info

Pisa can be easily reached by flight, by train and by car.

Reaching Pisa by flight:

Pisa International airport Galilei is connected to several national and international cities: Bari, Cagliari, Rome, Milan, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bruxelles, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Munich, Paris,... For more information about links and timetables, visit the airport web site
The airport is very close to the city center (about 2 Km.) and is connected to the "Pisa centrale" railway station by bus and by train.

Reaching Pisa by train:

The "Pisa centrale" railway station is located in the city center. There are direct trains from Rome, Florence, Milan, Genoa and many other cities to "Pisa centrale". For information about timetables, visit the web site

Reaching Pisa by car:

The main roads which lead to Pisa are:

  • SGC Firenze-Pisa-Livorno: free highway connecting Florence to Pisa
  • SS Nr. 1 Aurelia: state road from Rome, Grosseto to Pisa, Genoa
  • A12 Genova-Livorno: highway from Genoa to Pisa (tollgates Pisa Nord and Pisa Centro) and Livorno
  • A11 Firenze mare: highway from Florence and from A1 (Bologna-Rome highway) to Pisa (tollgate Pisa Nord)